Monday - Saturday 9 00 - 20 00

Fluoridation and protection

Tooth fluoridation

Tooth fluoridation is the process of enriching dental units with a fluorine element. This method allows you to strengthen tooth enamel, get rid of hypersensitivity to temperature extremes, and also eliminates minor damage to crowns. The procedure is painless and does not take much time; it is suitable for both adults and children.

Reasons for using this procedure:

  • Hypersensitivity of teeth to temperature differences.
  • Pain during brushing at home.
  • Yellow formations on the teeth in the gum area.
  • The presence of dental units affected by caries.

Before choosing this service, make sure that the level of fluorine-containing elements in your diet or in the water you consume is not higher than the norm. In case of high content, the fluorination procedure can have a harmful effect. Also, the procedure is not recommended for people with diabetes, since fluorine inhibits the absorption of sugar, which causes problems for the pancreas.


  • Simple. It is performed both in clinical conditions and at home.
  • Deep fluoridation. It is carried out only in the dental clinic. Before application, the specialist removes carious damage, dries the teeth and only then applies the product containing magnesium fluoride silicate. This procedure has the maximum effect of tooth enrichment with fluoride, does not wash out calcium and prevents the occurrence of caries.
  • Electrophoresis With the help of calcium gluconate and electric current, active substances enter the tooth enamel. This procedure is effective only after several visits to a specialist.

For children, fluoridation is no different from adults. The process itself allows you to save both primary teeth and molars.

Naturally, this procedure is not a panacea for the above diseases, but with proper hygiene (brushing, flossing, rinsing), you can keep your teeth healthy for a long time.

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Address: Dmitrovskoe shosse, 7, bldg. 2
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